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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
June 26, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2012, 7:30 PM, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Sharon Cohen, Jennifer Johnston, Rob Kaiser, Laura Lerman, Donna Mangiafico, Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent:  Ted Kreinik

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  None

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM.

Minutes:  The minutes of the May 22, 2012 and June 13, 2012 (Special) meetings were approved as written.  

Officer Reports: Jennifer Johnston had no report.  Jennifer Rogers shared information about a Northwest Community Foundation fundraising seminar she attended.  There were sessions relating to “the ask” getting everyone on your board comfortable with fundraising and a panel on grant funders with general advice.  Jennifer also had the opportunity to meet a representative from USB and will follow-up with her regarding sponsoring the Newtown Arts Festival.

Treasurer Report: Donna Mangiafico shared the Financial Report provided by the Newtown Finance Office.  She also reviewed pending income and expenses.

Newtown Cultural Arts Center:  The subcommittee is working to develop a feasibility study.  Jen Rogers discussed the recent proposal from AMS that was shared with the NCAC via email.  Jen Rogers asked NCAC members to review the proposal before the next meeting for discussion.  Several options for grants were discussed.  Robert Rabinowitz offered to draft a brief survey that would be distributed at the Newtown Arts Festival.  He will forward this as soon as possible.  Jen Rogers will send an email in the coming days to set up the next subcommittee meeting.

Programs and Events:
  • Newtown Arts Festival – Jen Rogers shared information about the Foreverman tickets available for sponsors to win.  Details are on the Facebook page and website.  Fundraising is progressing, but Donna Monteleone Randle would like additional support and volunteers willing to assist.  It was suggested that pictures are taken when a major sponsor make a donation for publicity. Donna Mangiafico asked members to visit the website and provide feedback.  Sharon Cohen passed around a list of upcoming town events and asked for volunteers to help promote the festival.  Robert Rabinowitz and Jennifer Rogers provided updates on Live Entertainment and Workshops and Demonstrations.  Robert Kaiser will manage the Labor Day Parade float for the NCAC/Newtown Arts Festival.  Laura Lerman offered her property, on Main Street, to display promotional banners.
  • Flagpole Radio Café  - Discussion was tabled.
  • Pre-show Receptions – Discussion was tabled.
Newsletter:  Jennifer Rogers asked NCAC members to send her information for the July newsletter before Friday.

Grants:  Discussion was tabled.

Website: Jennifer Rogers and Rob Kaiser will work together to make changes to the website.

Public Participation:  None

Other Business:  Jennifer Johnston welcomed new NCAC member, Laura Lerman.  She also reported that the Newtown Centre of Classical Ballet’s performance is finished.  Jennifer will forward information on how to view pictures.  The Newtown Arts Festival was promoted at the performances.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 7:30 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico, Secretary